Information in English

The Orkuhús radiology department performs all general imaging tests, i.e. ultrasound, X-ray, CT scan and MRI.

Prior to an examination, a request from a doctor about which scans to perform and the medical history of the patient must be available. When a request is received, we will contact you by phone to book an appointment, but you can also contact us by phone 520-0170 or at

Most ultrasounds, CT scans and X-rays can be performed on the same day, but an appointment must be booked for an MRI.

The price of scans varies according to the examination method and depends on the tariff of Sjúkratryggingar Íslands (Icelandic Health Insurance). The cost of the scan (and how much Sjúkratryggingar Íslands participates in the cost) is largely determined by how much the person in question has paid for healthcare in recent months.

For most scans no special preparation is required but for some abdominal scans, the patient will need to fast beforehand.

For some CT and MRI scans an intravenous contrast medium is administered. If a contrast medium is to be administered, the patient must notify if there is a history of diabetes or kidney failure and if there is a known allergy to the contrast medium.

Women who are (or suspect they are) pregnant should report this before an examination.

For MRIs, please notify if you have a pacemaker or any implanted metal (vascular clamps, prostheses, etc.).

Once the scan has been performed, a specialist in imaging will review the scan and send the results to the doctor who sent the request for the scan. This usually happens within 24 hours but can be delayed in special cases. The doctor who sends the request presents the result to the person who had the scan.

The department is open from 8 am to 4 pm every weekday and is on the 1st floor of Orkuhúsið (Entrance A) in Urðarhvarf 8, 203 Kópavogur.

For further information, please contact us at 520-0170 or